We had a wonderful opportunity arise to sneak in a visit to the Redneck Riviera, or as some call it, the Gulf Shores, and we're looking forward to some quiet family time- with dolphins added! The girlies are excited to see their very first sea turtle and I couldn’t be happier about that. It is the nesting time of year for these mystical, amazing creatures and a great op for the kids to have a dose of conservation and just an overall “wow”. I remember swimming alongside 70 year old Barnabus, the King of Honokeana Cove, on a visit to Hawaii many, many years ago and feeling the thrill. Ahhh..there’s nothing like the sea to calm a raw nerve and an aching hip flexor. I’ve really missed my every-now-and-then wind downs by the deep blue when I lived in LA all those years. Nothing like shaved ice, Muscle Beach and the antics of Angelyne in her pink corvette to pass away a hot Valley day. Or avoid one, I should say. I have a lot of good memories spent with my friends down by the water's edge...
My sweet girl has also just finished up her two years in Montessori school and will be entering into the first grade soon. I can’t believe she’s reading to me, twirling onstage and just basically growing up before Mama’s very eyes. Her sense of humor is as dry as mine and she’s as smart as a whip, my kid. She is secure and excited to begin her new adventure. She's much more confident than I was at her age..electric in both her beauty and personality. I am so proud of her and already pretty verklempt over a nasty case of Empty Nest Syndrome...and I have another 12 years years to go, for God's sake! Oh, heck, I’ll be okay. I’ll just make my martini a little bit bigger this evening.

As if the years couldn’t be more fleeting...my youngest will be starting pre-school in a couple o’ months and is on tippy-toe with excitement over the prospect of learning, making new friends and diving headfirst into all kinds of yummy discovery. She’s our little Shirley Temple on Red Bull. A one of a kind.

Yes, my sun-kissed babies are growing up on me and ready to grab another late night, jacked up, sleepover season by the horns. I hope I make it out in one piece by summer’s end. Oy. Pretty soon, it’s going to be time for Mama to get a job and bring home a strip or two of that proverbial family bacon after a very long respite out of the work force. Can anyone say, Walmart greeter? Lord forbid. Oh, but it’s okay. Again..I’ll just make that martini a teensy weensy bigger still.

1 comment:
Great post, dearie! Ya made me a little verklempt too. (Dang, I'm smack outta martini-juice.)
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