Well, as I've said before...we laughed, we cried and now we need dialysis. Our golden fete was one to behold. Laughter and cheer were in abundance at our 4th Annual Oscars in the Ozarks with just a tiny speck of bitterness thrown in. Hey, a girl can't be nice all of the time. Especially when she's turning another year older this weekend. And Oscar-less, mind you. I don't feel the need to publish the number that I will be waking up to..suffice to say- it ain't pretty. I have made it clear in all of my mid-fortiness, that I would like a birthday bedside breakfast of 2 eggs scrambled, a crispy strip of turkey bacon, dry rye toast, a cold mimosa, a red rose and a shot of Botox. If I'm lucky, I may get the nosh...but the rest, who knows? You can't expect much from two dwarves under the age of five and an old, tired daddy who has a closing shift tonight.
But getting back to our festivities last Sunday, dah-lings...The gold dust was strewn top to bottom all over our humble abode and we had a very nice time. An old highschool pal filled my goozle up with Goose and Mama was tucked in like a helmet-haired sausage, all cozy, in her Johnny Cash black for the evening. And this year, we movie-loving hillbillies had the great gift of welcoming a brand spanking new, shiny, j'adorable little Oscar into our midst...two month old Baby E. I could have just put him on a chain and hung him around my neck, he was so gosh darn cute.
My opinion, not that it matters-
Hugh did a decent job (just a little too metro for this girl though).
Beyonce/Baz number. Awful with a capitol A.
Sean Penn was fab and seeing him win for a beyond fine-tuned performance made me blissful (and his wife, Ms. Wright, is twice the age of all the young starlets and twice as beautiful!)
Kate looked very old movie star, from head to classy toe. Word up to her stylist. And the whistling Pappy thing...just terrific! (although in a perfect world, Ms. Leo would have carried home the golden man).
I dropped off into a Goosian slumber with T. in my arms and missed Boyle's Slumdog win. Thank goodness, for You Tube! It helps us old lushes..er, I mean, ladies out from time to time.
My Trivia answers are posted on my Oscar google page .
Th-th-that's it, folks. The golden boy has come and gone for another year and it's curtains for Oscars in the Ozarks- Four. Due to the effects of a third martini, my camera was not clicked on the proper setting, so all my indoor shots bit the gold dust, as it were. I was very bummed, but besides hiring a pro, what's a washed-up actress to do? If you are so inclined, feel free to view the hazy, golden, blurry mess below.
No, not me. The photographs.
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