Now another birthday's headed my direction and another kid is looking at school. It flies, my truly does fly. We have to enjoy it while it's happening, and yes, set reasonable 2009 goals, of course..but I'm learning it's more about the unmarked side roads..the wrong turns and even those pesky potholes than it is about that checkered flag. The magic in my life has been soft and quiet..not a lot of bang, but deep and solid, and for that, I am thankful. Speaking of flying...seeing that miracle unfold on the Hudson for all those folks aboard that aluminum bird was a great way to start the year off, huh? New beginnings in leaders, second chances at's not every day a man is faced with a single moment in which everything he's learned, all that he's invested in his passion, his poised on a razor's edge and put to the ultimate test. A time when focus, control and cajones are mandatory. It is then that he rises to the occasion, while sharing a fate with those he's never met and goes and changes the destiny for every last single one of 'em with his big, bad self. Way to go, Sulley.
Yes, we have our heroes. Some on the front pages, some not. And I'm gonna sit back and revel in that today and tomorrow...then it's back to work. We have to believe that things will improve before they ever will begin to. I sure wish Dr. King could see all those cold toes that are gathering around the Monument right now. It would make him smile for sure. This morning, over Cheerios, I introduced my oldest to just who he was and what he did. That is definitely one of the best parts of being a mom..getting to share all the basic life stuff/info/history that we take for granted..that sometimes we forget to think about, to honor. It makes us stop for a sec to try and put it into basic terms for a five year old brain to absorb; yet at the same time awakens in us a purity of thought, a sincerity of heart that is pretty easily covered in this day and age with a stinkin' thinkin' coat of armor. Yes..we've come a long way, baby. And we still have a long way to go. But for today, I feel darn proud...very proud of this nation and all us peeps punching the clock and shacking up within her borders.
Here's to a new year, new remembering just what it took to get this far, and to us ordinary folks for being a little bit heroic in our own humble way to help change things for the better and move it forward. And here's to the lucky bastards that really have connections and get to see The Boss, up close and personal, belting it out with that choir on the ivory steps of the Memorial. Dang.

1 comment:
Love it. I cued up some Sam Cooke today for all the folks out there in radioland and couldn't help but think of all the changes we've lived thru. We are living in some crazy-ass amazing times, and I can't wait to see what happens next.
BTW, yer getting pretty good at this bloggity thang. Rock on, crazy mama!
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