Wednesday, November 5, 2008

a new day

This morning my heart sings, 338 has become my lucky number and even the cup of joe I'm slurping has never tasted so good, folks. Heck, if W. didn't have to go to school this morning, I might have made myself a martini! What a night. What a process. What a run. And what a country! Seeing Mr. Obama and his beautiful family all donned up in red, waving in victory, was a sight to behold and I know his Toot would be proud. Oh, I'm just a sucka for families with two adorable little girlies. When Jesse got all misty, Mama was a big ole blubbery mess from then on. And I was crying, too. Ba dum dum. I believe in Barack and I think he will do fine by this nation. And if not, you can just look up this post in another year or two and comment the hell out of it, okay? I'm not so giddy though that I don't realize the Matterhorn of work and challenges he's facing, but he's the dude for the job. And I thought it was difficult getting my girls to eat the boy gummies out of their Flintstone vitamins. Yeesh. But I have no doubt that our brand spanking new Prez will tackle it with honor and dignity..and smarts! Thank the heavens for the gray matter. We've sure been missing that for that last eight years. Three things he showed and exercised through this whole election-schmection process without fail. He never once got down and dirty and consistently conducted himself in a fashion that showed us just what he's made of. Hats off to Plouffe, too. I'd like to hire that guy myself and I'm not running for anything! Hey, I'm ready for change...especially regarding my gray hair and five tee-shirt wardrobe. And props to Oprah. That woman gets anything she wants. And I'm sure one happy little camper about it this time.

Like my hubby said, after arriving home from work at midnight, "It's a new day in America, baby". It surely hard working, tax paying, everyman, dearest. And what a night in Grant Park. 250 thousand? Now that's a lot of pulsating energy, my friends. And I bet the waiters made some serious coin. Yep- it sure feels good to hope instead of fear, to engage instead of fingerpoint, to see a little color in the Rose Garden..a time for beginnings. Now all our guy has to do is roll up those sleeves of his and get our alliances back on track, fix our stinky healthcare bag of poo, get our kids out of that desert, wrangle the partisanship monster, pull some jobs outta his rear, drum up a new form of energy and help me figure out how I'm gonna afford to throw my kid a birthday party next year much less send her to college.

1 comment:

TomR said...

Amen, Mama Mag! I stayed up long enough for McCain's concession but couldn't make it to Obama's acceptance speech. Like I said to my Sweetie, it'll be on the web. And it is. ALL OVER the freaking web.