It is indeed a sad reflection in the mirror of this nation that the votes were cast to reject a vital, tax paying, worthy and integral part of our society. It is beyond me at how some of the homies in my old 'hood, unfortunately 52% of said
some have opened their wallets and wasted 35 million bucks but have refused to open their hearts and minds to the recognition, the truth, that we are all equal and worthy of every legal right the other joe has, and that discrimination of any kind for any one of us at any given time is just a bunch of hooey. People that live by all things good and lawful in this great country, should have just matter who we may love, or how we may love them, and especially no matter if we go to Moby Dicks on Monday for two-for-one shots night.
And it's beyond me that we, breeders, have a 50% fail rate in our marriages and yet we feel we're experts on the subject and profess that we
own the sole right, by God, to walk into the courthouse and legalize our unions. I don't get it. How can you legislate love? How can you truly define it other than
feeling it? And how is being gay,
different? Well, let's see..just
what are they? They walk upright, they communicate by language, they pay, they vote, they work, they serve, they have brains in their heads & feet in their shoes and they are a full 20% of us. I can definitely tell you
who they are, from vast experience. Some are treasured 30 year friendships when lava lamps and The Commodores were the thang, some held me up when I thought I might fall..yes, at times in drunkenness while pole dancing at The Revolver, but at other times, too, when life was tough and my heart was hurting or when my husband was about to kick the bucket and leave me with two small kids. They have gifted me with laughter, stocked me up with six months of fabric softener sheets, fed me hot dinners time and time again, bought the wine when I couldn't afford it, came to my matinees when there were only four people in the house, inspired me with their smarts, conversation and talents and even joined me in hurling barbs to those that have the audacity to wear something really ugly to the Academy Awards. And get this. Some are even raising babies in loving homes, some have been there, done that and paid for their munchkins college educations, some are aching to foster and some light up my inbox,
so to speak, with beams of pride while holding and j'adoring their children's children. They help with homework when they're tired and don't want to, they go to soccer games, they worry over how they'll get the money to give Jr. violin lessons, and some, I suppose, simply want to sit on a park bench in each others arms without judgment.
But I think they just want
to be who they are in the life they live, in the love they give, in the work they do, in the service for their country...just like everybody else. I mean, it's okay to have your valiant butt on the front line, fighting a war you shouldn't have had to fight in the first place, risking life and limb while eating dust, dodging road bombs and bravely protecting the lives of those in your squad but whatever you do..
don't ask, don't tell? Good grief. Why is it that we worry more about our kid's teacher being gay but less about how many guns are in the home? Why is it that we often times are more preoccupied with the rights of animals than our fellow human beings? Well said, per usual,
Michael Patrick King. And
Melissa, you go girl.
I guess I'm gonna have to google the Constitution again to see where it preambles things for me but not for others. And while I'm at it, look up the word love in Merriam-Webster. In the meantime, I will raise my girls to respect others no matter what color their epidermis, how many nose rings they have, or even the sad fact that some still choose to wear cowboy boots. And yes, my dah-ling always, always hold in the highest, most fuchshia esteem those who worship at the
Temple of Liza.
(And per usual, nailed it).