Fourteen years ago, we met on the stage. I was barefoot and in a polka-dot dress, and you...became my funny knight in shining armor. Our journey has taken us from West to East, from the city to our niche in the trees, from the two of us to the four of us. You have taught me many things- to love, to laugh, to dream. You have deepened me as a woman, a mother and an artist. You introduced me to my Buddhist faith and helped to create my beautiful babies. The treasures that have spilled into my life since I met you- abound. Our fortune together is immense...friends that are like jewels, family that is strong and supportive and a community that wrapped their arms around us when we needed it most. Your fighting spirit and deep faith have inspired me and serves as a beacon in my life. Your role as father has been an easy one for you...your heart, giving nature and loving arms surround and protect our girls and it is my truest joy to watch the three of you play and share and love.
Having journeyed all these years with you, I am looking forward to this new beginning that we have manifested in our lives...a New Year that began with a force so strong, at times, frightening..but has become an experience that holds much purpose..deep meaning to the four of us...a time where our human revolution as individuals and as a family have opened our lives for the better and given us an opportunity to live another golden day together and to love and laugh with each other a little bit longer. You love me as I am, for who I am and all that I can be. You are my True North, my anchor, my life. I love you.
To P.- What do you say to someone who saved your life? A mere thank you is nowhere near enough. You have, as you always do, give everything, 200%, to whatever you put your mind to. You never settle on anything until all avenues have been explored. That determination is the difference in my being able to stand here with you now. Your focused prayer, along with the prayers of literally hundreds of people of many faiths...people that you rallied through numerous phone calls, emails, was the difference that made my recovery so quick and effective.
In our Buddhist practice, the term Myoho, or Mystic Law, has many different interpretations. My favorite is "to open". You have opened my life to many things that I never would have thought possible. The number one thing is being a father to these two beautiful girls. Also, being open to change our lives for the better and opening me to a new chapter in my life.
A vow is defined as a "solemn promise". I vow to you now that I will do all I can to open my life to you and our girls. I stand here with tremendous gratitude and appreciation for all that you do. And I vow that we not stand still but move on in our life together from this day forward.

It was a lovely day, just as I knew it would be. One of love, light and laughter...Copeland's Appalachian Spring filling our hearts and the gorgeous chapel. A day of raw emotion, pure joy and pretty darn good hair. Just the way Mama likey.
1 comment:
Dear P. and G.,
Your beautiful vows are a symphony; the instruments you, W. and T. I have a lump in my throat and a swell in my heart, for you are truly blessed.
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